2012 Sexy Car Buyer's Guide - Top 10 Sultry Sports Cars

by Martha Hindes
Smokin’ hot and haunchy, lithe, taut and delicious – all steamy words that can launch a major vehicular daydream, a memory of tamed tracks of the past, of “Gotta Have” ambitions. After all, big girls, like their big boy counterparts, thrive on the lure of the heat of a truly sexy car. Any reason not to? At ROAD & TRAVEL Magazine, we don’t think there is. In fact, we consider possessing “the sexiest driving machine” or comparably alluring set of wheels a right of sisterhood for any woman who puts such an acquisition high on her wish list for owning a car with the most sex appeal. Truly a refection of her own inner soul. Click here to see the Top 10 for 2012.