Denise McCluggage - A Living Legend
The Fastest Woman on Four Wheels
Journalist. Race car driver. Sports reporter. Photographer. Intellectual. And friend to about a zillion people. Denise McCluggage has worn all these hats; many of them so very well. If there was ever a woman that defined "cerebral personality," basically someone who genuinely maximizes the potential of their brain and spirit — it's Denise. Recounting what she has accomplished, and where's she's been in her life, would be a long list indeed, but a fun one for sure. Fortunately, she's far from finished adding to it.
Visit Denise's website: Denise McCluggage
McCluggage's relationships with automobiles and journalism germinated early in her life. Born in Kansas, she attended Mills College in the San Francisco Bay area. While working at The San Francisco Chronicle, her first job out of school, McCluggage recalls being surrounded by what we now call "car people." [Full Story]