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July 28, 2009

Three of the World's Most Luxurious Resorts

Ventanas Las Ventanas (Los Cabos, Mexico): Since its opening in 1997, Las Ventanas has met critical acclaim as one of Mexico’s most exceptional resorts. Featuring 71 spacious suites that welcome guests with in-room tequila, fresh fruit, and personal butler service, Las Ventanas pampers until one’s heart is content.

Juluca Cap Juluca (Anguilla, West Indies): Situated on the southwest coast of Anguilla and overlooking Maundays Bay and the mountains of St. Maarten, Cap Juluca blends the flavors of Dutch and French St. Maarten – transcending simple tranquility with Moorish-style beachfront villas.  

Feltrinelli Villa Feltrinelli (Lake Garda, Italy):

The Grand Hotel a Villa Feltrinelli’s distinctive guest rooms and suites are individually decorated and feature hand-printed Venetian paper, in-room music panel and heated marble bathroom floors. Tour the ancient home from the Library to the Salon, garnering dramatic views over Lake Garda.

Visit RTM's Luxury Travel Section for more hotel reviews.

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