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May 20, 2009

The Dangers of Responding to Road Rage

24717786 Road rage can be dangerous when its effects are escalated by the response of a second angered driver. One-half of drivers who are subjected to aggressive driving behavior on the road respond with aggression of their own, risking a more serious confrontation.

According to a national survey conducted by Response Insurance, when a driver gets the finger, is cut off or tailgated,
34 percent say they honk their horn at the aggressor, 27 percent yell, 19 percent give the finger back, 17 percent flash their headlights, and 7 percent mimic the initial aggressive driving behavior. Two percent of drivers admit to trying to run the aggressor off the road.

"Road rage is a two-way street," noted Ray Palermo, of Response Insurance. "It takes two people to fight".

Read the full article.

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