Plan a Road Trip Easily with AAA Club's Free TripTik
Getting ready to plan a road trip for the summer? As
exciting as getting out on the open road with your favorite people may be,
making all those nitty gritty travel plans can be daunting. Lucky you — AAA
Auto Club has made its famed online TripTik service available to the public.
Better than simple map-and-direction web sites, TripTik is an all-in-one road travel
planner that offers visitors the advantage of creating their own direction
guides, plotted and point-marked with all of the necessities you’ll require, such
as lodging,
construction zones, gas stations (TripTik is the first online mapping tool to
provide users with both locations and fuel prices!), events, area attractions, or
auto repair shops. The fully-interactive program also allows travelers to view
AAA-approved lodging ratings, pricing and availability all in one step.
For the hour and a half jaunt that we tested using
TripTik, we printed 13 pages of information. We also printed out the one-page
overview, which was most useful on our predominantly back-road drive, where gas
stations and restaurants were far and few.
Read the full article.
For more auto & travel advice for this summer, check out RTM's Advice & Tips.