Benefits of Train Travel
When we head off for that long-awaited and much-deserved vacation, most of us choose to travel to our get-away destination by plane or, if it's close enough, car.
Here’s a suggestion: The next time you’re planning a vacation, think about taking a train. If that conjures up the mental image of a crowded commuter train, think again. An Amtrak long-distance train is an iron horse of another color, with sleeping cars and coaches, a dining car and a lounge car, all serving the needs of 200 to 300 passengers.
Trains give you the one opportunity most methods of transportation don’t, the ability to relax! For just a little extra you can get a sleeping car, and although they are tight quarters, the sleep cars allow privacy and basic amenities to make your trip comfortable.
Eat up! Today, Amtrak’s dining experience is less than gourmet, but perfectly fine. On a recent cross-country trip, the dinner menu included beef bourguignon, pork shanks, seared salmon and roast chicken. You even can order a split of acceptable wine, usually a choice between two reds or two whites.
Although train travel may not be for everyone, if you are looking for an adventure, it’s worth a shot.
Read more on railroad travel on RTM.