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February 02, 2009

More Women Driving on First Date

Woman-driver A recent online customer poll, conducted by, has found that 18 percent of women now prefer to drive on the first date- an increase 6 percent from last year.

Maybe a sign that women are becoming more independent and taking greater pride in the vehicles they drive. This trend is most likely a driving reason why the number of women who prefer to drive on the first date continues to grow.

“Valentine’s Day is one of the most prominent and exciting times of the year to enjoy a date with someone close to you,” said Sergio Stiberman, CEO and founder of “As more women show greater interest in the vehicle they drive, it’s only natural they will also want to show off their wheels and impress a special someone on a first date.” has a large customer base of women drivers all over the country and polled roughly 500 women across the country.


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